
英语口语 Yaenglish 来源:Youtube linguamarina 5年前 (2020-09-11) 4969次浏览 5个评论



世界上最长的单词是哪个,又是什么意思你知道吗? 中国说英语的人要比美国人还多你知道吗?使用最多的一个英语单词是哪个你知道吗? 下面就让我们来了解一下14个关于英语非常有趣的事情吧。


A new word is added to the dictionary every two hours. That means that around 4,000 new words are added to the English dictionary every single year!



More people in the world have learned English as their second language than there are native English speakers.



“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is not the longest word in English but “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” is!



English is the language of the air. Every pilot has to know English because everything that’s happening in the sky is in English.



The average English speaker knows between 20,000 and 30,000 words.



Do you know what’s the most used word in English? It’s the word “I”.

你知道使用最多的英语单词是哪个吗? 是“I”


I don’t know how useful it is but if you write down all the numbers as words (e.g. one, two, three…), you would not use the letter “b” until the word “billion”.

我不知道这有什么用处,但是如果你将所有的英语数据写出来(例如,one, two, three…),那么在写到“billion”这个数字之前你都不会用到字母“b”


The word “good” has over 380 synonyms in English which makes it a word that has the most synonyms.



After the American Revolution, people in America decided to make a language different from the British. They thought that British English had too many things that are not necessary, for example, the British “colour” transformed into American “color”.

美国独立战争后,美国人决定使用一种不同于英国英语的语言。 他们认为英式英语有太多不必要的东西,例如,英式英语的“colour”转变为美式英语的“color”。


The word “queue” sounds the same even if the last four letters are removed.



The word “synonym” is one of the few words in the English language that doesn’t have a synonym.



When we want to say “the day after tomorrow”, we say “the day after tomorrow”. But there’s actually a word, one word for it which is “overmorrow”.

当我们想说”the day after tomorrow”(后天)时,我们会说”the day after tomorrow”,而实际上英语中有一个词就是后天的意思”overmorrow”


Did you know that Shakespeare added over a thousand new words to the English language when he was writing his masterpieces?



There are words in the English language that don’t have a meaning and they actually have a special term, they are called “ghost words”. They appeared because somebody made a typo when they were working on the dictionary.

英语中有些单词没有实际意义,它们有一个专业术语被称作”ghost words”. 它们之所以会出现是因为有人在编辑字典时打错了字。


Time codes:

1:10 Fun fact #1

1:43 Fun fact #2

2:22 Fun fact #3

3:09 Fun fact #4

3:22 Fun fact #5

3:55 Fun fact #6

4:04 Fun fact #7

4:26 About Skillshare

6:28 Fun fact #8

7:07 Fun fact #9

7:50 Fun fact #10

8:11 Fun fact #11

8:18 Fun fact #12

8:35 Fun fact #13

9:35 Fun fact #14

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  1. 很好
    michael2020-09-16 10:53 回复
  2. 不错
    量力2020-09-16 10:54 回复
  3. 奇才
    量力2020-09-16 11:02 回复
  4. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis这个单词有45个字母,不知道数对了没
    Yaenglish2020-09-16 11:12 回复
  5. 这个美女好漂亮 :grin:
    匿名2020-09-16 11:13 回复